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Saturday, February 7, 2009

obama, the black president

Obama, the black president, made alot of controversy in the american reigon, along with the whole world. Many people think that just because he's a black president, he will be capable of doing some super natural change to the economy, army, and world-wide!.
Alot of us saw the election, national convension, and the ingurgtation. People were absolutely happy, extreamly anxious and excited about the whole idea of having a black president. BUT, wait a second, does that make this issue a "GOOD" history figure? especially in a "DEVELOPED" country as the united states?
To answers this question, first lets list some facts. in 1982, america suffered from a heavy economical recession. which made it hit the maximum un-employment rate in america's history. nowadays, america is suffering half of that recession, not even as powerful as the previous one. Keep this fact in mind for now.
So, the biggest hope with Obama, was that he'll do some "magic" to the fallen economy, or maybe not?. he only saved the auto-industry, by bailing out over 5 billion dollars just for the auto industry itself. but wait a second? what would that do?
in 1982, as mentioned, the recession took place. after a while, people started their normal "buying" and "selling" I.E Trading activities which made the economy rocket up more than before. Now you got my idea?
The fallen economy we're seeing nowadays in the U.S. wont be fixed by obama, nor the congress. it'll be saved just like 82's recession, by normal natural trading activities of citizens, but why is all that talk about obama?
What we're looking at in america at this moment, is a "BAD" historical event, why bad? because for a country that has more power than most of others, they're EXTREMLY SHOCKED of having a black president. which raises a good fact for us, yes americans haven't YET got over the whole "RACISM" and "BLACK/WHITE" issue, if they did, which i hardly dis-agree with, they wouldnt be shocked like this.
The other part of the world, the "3rd" world, thought that obama will help them "FREELY" and "FAST" with Ghazza, or Pelastine. but why would he? and could he do it? i dont think anyone who says he can, know anything about the political system in the U.S, and how the congress holds every single act in the U.S, not just obama, the super man.
Finally, those who can look at the economy nowadays, and how some "countries" claim that america's falling economy affected them, well, hold on a second. Kuwaiti dinnar is NOT tied to the u.s dollar, firstly. And secondly, Kuwait's Economy is not related in any way with the u.s's economy, hell, even U.S automotive markets comes to us from Australia, Korea, and China, not even from the u-s itself, so this gives us another fact of those who take advantage of "outer" sources to judge/excuse themselfs from buying with low prices.
Finally, i'd just suggest that we stop looking at obama as a super president, most republicans in the senate WILL NOT allow him to be as a hero at least, because if they did, the Democrats will be the only benefitiants out of this act. So guess what, Obama is just a NORMAL president, DIDNT make history in the u.s, and the people in that reigon, should just GET OVER the whole racism Thing. Or they'd fall back, just like now!
At the end, i'll dedicate this small video to all of you who think america is a FREE country. Enjoy your thought!

3 الـتـعـلـيـقـات:

كويــتي لايــعه كبــده said...

I agree with you on Obama. He sold the idea of "hope" and "yes we can" so well that it has gained so much momentum that it is now a part of mass hysteria. Not only do some people think that the man will reverse and correct some of the US's policies but that he will do it overnight as well as walk over water. Obviously no one can.

A key part that disturbs me is that everyone is openly happy about the fact that he is the first black president. I thought people didn't care about that. Guess not. Not to mention that it is simply wrong to have voted for him simply because of his color. Just because it is a generally accepted opinion it doesn't make it right.

Thanks for voicing out

well_serviceman said...

Thanks for your comment, i totaly agree with you there. especially after he visited our area 1 day before he won the election, i was amazed how many people were standing there just because he's black and they wanted to support him.

just tomorrow, Mccain talked to the media about how he refuses to cooaporate with obama's bail-out plan, and thats just the beginning :)

well_serviceman said...

i mean yesterday, my bad :)